Friday, November 19, 2010

More of the Rally to Restore Sanity

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Washington DC - A Rally to Restore Sanity

Visiting Washington DC to participate
in the Rally to Restore Sanity organized
by Jon Stewart was an exhilarating experience.
Man and women from all walks of life, all over
united states came with a similar mind set and
purpose, to restore
what seems to be the missing/absent sanity
during this election period.
The media kept showing the angry Tea Party people
shouting and yelling as if their laud
voices somehow will make them being right.
Their anger, even legitimate anger, gave them somehow the permission to ignore the facts, ignore the history, and allowed them to just repeat the same mistakes all
over again.

We were together with around 320,000 people. They all
gathered together on a few blocks along Washington mall. It took us an hour to walk from the hotel to the mall, a walk that should have taken just half the time
because so many people were walking to the same destination with us.
Still, all were so polite, so civil to each other, so happy in a way to find
each other, to know that you are not alone.

Sadly the exhilaration feeling faded away pretty quickly when we heard the election results. Well it seems that insanity won, at least what I think as insanity. It is amazing how the atmosphere have changed in tow years. The one light point in the whole election day was our state of California where Barabara Boxer and Braun won. We will see how the political weather will be in the
next few years.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A New Baby Boy was added to our family!

Eitan joined our family on August 18, a birthday present to Ivan and Dalia (both almost at the same birthday date). He is the first baby boy I have ever had, I am used to baby girls only. Eitan is so cute, by now he already smiles to you and looks at you. Dalia calls him EiTAN in English stressing the TAN is an American accent, but simple Eitan in Hebrew.

Welcome to our world Eitan! You have a wonderful family all around you. We are all so lucky to have you, and you are lucky to have the warmth and love of your family all around you.

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Monday, August 09, 2010

Celebrating with Mindy!

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Mindy's 60th celebration! At Santa Ynez winery

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Mindy's 60th birhtday! Another reason for celebration at Santa Ynez winery

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Happy Birthday Dalia

Dalia was very happy about her birthday, and wanted a special Mermaid decorated cake which will be lemon and strawberries cake... Well, mom Ayana managed to fullfil all of Dalia's wishes. It was it had a mermaid, and an ocean, and even sand and sea shells; and it was lemon and strawberries cake! It was also very delicious!

When the neighbor aske Dalia how old she was, Dalia said "almost three". This was actually true, as we celebrated it a bit early this year. But that is not the point, it was her three year birthday! When Ayana told her that a birthday means that she is actually three, Dalia ran all over the place with joyful announcements "I am three everybody! I am three!"

It is funny to watch how aging makes the little ones so happy, and as we grow older we wish we still stayed a year younger. I will refuse to announce another age in my life even a day before my birthday... The little ones are probably right. Every year we have is a celebration!
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Dalia is three years old!

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It was Irit's 60th birhtday and I stayed with Dina and her family. Israel and Gail came from NY

I came to celebrate Irit's 60th birthday; Irit my childhood best friend. I stayed with Dina who opened her home to me, and made me feel like a true friend. I loved her family especially little Rachel that adopted me as part of the family. The birthday celebration was beautiful and exciting. I spent also a few days walking all around Washington DC with Israel and Gail, and sometimes with Dina too. New and old friendships are warming ones heart...

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Visiting Washington DC on 4th of July

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Visiting the Botanical Garden in Atlanta GA with Julie - on a business trip

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