Saturday, October 18, 2008

Orchides - At the 4 Seasons hotel Thousand Oaks California

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A day at the Getty museum

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Yossi and Nathan, Ayana and Dalia, Naama and Greg and his grandmothers

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Family and friends at the wedding

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Naama and Greg Got Married May 25 2008

Naama my beautiful little girl got married to Greg whom we all fell in love with. It was a beautiful love story that swift my kid off her feet, and brought her all the way back to Los Angeles. The wedding took place at the Los Angeles historical museum and was very unusual as is expected from Naama. No white wedding dress but a beautiful vintage dress instead, no wedding cake but great pies instead. We had the best barbecueand had the bips to protect the fancy clothes. Here are the words for the wedding show Connie (Greg's mom) and I did at the wedding:

(To the tune of sunrise sunset)

Tirza: Is this the little girl I carried?
Connie: Is this the little boy at play?

We don't remember growing older
How did they?

Tirza: My girl was always such a beauty
Connie: My boy was handsom and so tall

Wasn't it yesterday
When they were small?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Naama and Greg our lovely kids so bright
Fell in love with each other at first sight
(to the music of You say potato and I say potahto)

I say Ahava (love), and I say I love you
I say Neshika (kiss), and I say I kiss you
Ahava, Neshika,
I love you and adore you
Lets NOTcall the whole thing off

I say meturefet, and I’m mad about you
I say meulefet, and I faint without you
Ahava, neshika
I love you, and adore you
Lets NOT call the whole thing off

(do you love me from Tuvia hacholev)
Greg, Do you love me?
Do I what?
Do you love me?
Do I love you…
I fell in love at first sight
I dream about you day and night
I flew across the country to get you here
If that is not love, I don’t know what is it my dear?

So you love me?
I love you so, I do
And Greg I love you so much too

Naama, do you really really love me?
Do I what?
Do you love me?
Do I love you…
I fell in love at first sight
I dream about you day and night
I drove across the country to get back here
If that is not love, I don’t know what is it my dear?

So you love me?
I love you so, I do
Naama, I love you too

What words of wisdom can we give them?
How can we help to ease their way?
Now they must learn from one another
Day by day

They look so natural together
Just like two newlyweds should be
No one is happier for them than we

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

One day at the Getty's museum with Yossi

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More of Israel

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Our friends and us in Israel

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Sunset in Israel

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Israel visit April 2008

Israel visit for me is going back to a place in my past and a place in my heart. I realize suddenly that half of my life now, I live outside of Israel in the US, but that place is so special for me.

The views, the smells, the vegitation, its fruits and food. Talking your mother language, and viewing an Isareli theater. Listening to the music, even as it comes out of the appartments at evening time. Being with my close friends, and feeling the warmth of the friendship. Lastly, the Mediterenian sea. Watching it morning and sunsets, walking along its shores collecting shells (kept at my bedroom), swimming as I used to swim in the past...

The pictures are kept in my mind. Each one is drawn back out when I am too tensed to fall asleep. The pictures are a source of my strength and part of my own being.

Tel Aviv - Jaffa Israel

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Omer's Bar Mitzvah in Israel April 2007

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Dalia Seven months old

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Dalia 5 months old

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Dalia's Second day in our world

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Our beautiful Dalia was born on August 16 2007

My little granddaughter was born on August 16th 2007 and our life has changed with this wonderful addition to our family. Dalia was named after my father whose favorite flower was Dalia and after her great grandmother Lee. Since she was born she is the focus of my pictures who used to be mainly landscapes of our travels and of Los Angeles.