Monday, July 04, 2005

Beauty beauty all around Posted by Picasa


plow7010 said...

What a nice view !

Anyway, thank you for your comment on my blog.
i replyed to you here.

i'm very interested in your blog. Your blog is so cool and have many nice pictures.

By the way, you don't need to use another tool to upload images on
They've supported a function to upload images on
The description is here.
So we don't need to use Picasa nowadays.
That's very convenient, isn't it ?

See you

Metallyptica said...

Tirza, that's lovely to see new photos in your blog! :)

Have you ennanced this photo somehow or it is the plain version?!

It's astonishing! i LOVE IT :)

Tirza said...

Yes, I did, I used picasa. You can do wonders with it.

Metallyptica said...

You're right! Picasa is a world to discover!