Saturday, October 18, 2008

Israel visit April 2008

Israel visit for me is going back to a place in my past and a place in my heart. I realize suddenly that half of my life now, I live outside of Israel in the US, but that place is so special for me.

The views, the smells, the vegitation, its fruits and food. Talking your mother language, and viewing an Isareli theater. Listening to the music, even as it comes out of the appartments at evening time. Being with my close friends, and feeling the warmth of the friendship. Lastly, the Mediterenian sea. Watching it morning and sunsets, walking along its shores collecting shells (kept at my bedroom), swimming as I used to swim in the past...

The pictures are kept in my mind. Each one is drawn back out when I am too tensed to fall asleep. The pictures are a source of my strength and part of my own being.

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