Saturday, November 08, 2008

Obama was elected and we helped him - Volunteered in Neveda

Yesterday was a most exciting day, a day I that made me feel so proud to be an American!

We drove to Nevada Monday night November 3rd and received training about our jobs on election day. We got up at 5 AM to be at work at 6:30 AM (imaging me getting up so early in the morning...). We were poll watchers. Our responsibility was to record all the democratic Party members that voted already, and inform the field station (there were many field stations all over the city of Las Vegas and obviously all over Nevada). The idea was to systematically update lists that were provided to the people who knocked on doors verifying or nudging potential voters to go to vote. At the field station there were additional volunteers waiting with cars to drive people to the polling place if needed. There were two other polling watchers at my polling place, and four, yes four additional lawyers (all volunteers). At our polling place there was only one Republican lawyer, and no Republican polling watchers.

In the afternoon, we went to knock on doors ourselves, using lists that other people used already several times (checking again all the "Not at home" people). It seems like nothing was left for a chance, and plenty of volunteers to do the work.

At 7:30 PM we went to what we hoped will be the victory party for all the volunteer workers. It was held at the Rio hotel in Las Vegas at their largest hall. All the parking lots of this huge hotel were completely full when we arrived. We tried to use the valet service, but they were full also! We finally found a parking space at another hotel and walked over. The huge hall was so full (this was a party for volunteers only) that they opened additional hall for the over flaw... We made it to the grand hall which had one huge screen and tens of smaller TV screens along its walls. People were standing by all the screens and as announcements were made that Obama won an additional state a roar could be heard. When it was announced that Obama got over 270 delegates the room was in a complete jubilation. People jumped, hugged, kissed each other, yelled, and cried. So much emotional feelings in one room you felt this is beyond anything you have felt, this is making history! It was wonderful to see the faces all around: Whites, blacks, Chinese, Latinos, Jewish, Christians, young and old. When we found out that Nevada was won the jubilation started all over again with a big roar and chanting "Yes We Can". The contrast was so amazing when suddenly the entire room was quiet when Obama made his speech. An older couple who was standing next to us told us "He is a Mensh!". After a while we went around the hall and talked to various people. One woman introduced us to her older father telling us that her father was a diplomat during Clinton's time to the UN, and "today he knocked on doors with me" she told me.

When we left we saw how the entire hotel became part of the party. People yelling, chanting and singing along the hotel corridors and into the casino. The workers of the casino came out and yelled with them including some half naked waitresses who joined the crowds all excited too. A black woman around my age shaked my hand and said "Its about time!"

I know that the economy is still lousy, that we are still in Iraq and have problems with Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia and more is coming. I know we still have energy problems, warming climate issues, and medical expenses. But Obama gave us all so much energy and hope that things will be better in the future, and the world will be a better place to be.