Tuesday, February 21, 2006

San Francisco - Mission district. This is a latino district which is dotted with beautiful murals. The murals are covering buildings, stores, private houses or garage doors. Most subjects have to do with latin America historical evens and issues. I visited in the area a few days ago and found that some of these murals are a a real piece of art.  Posted by Picasa


Metallyptica said...

And this one too!

Anonymous said...

Tirza, I was magic with the beauty of you wall them!

I divulged the photos, with its authorship, in the FLICK: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fatima_sol/152436401/in/photostream?#comment72157594143881816

If it will have problems, please informs to me that I will remove the photos: raulusaitisfat@yahoo.com.br

Congratulations for the wonderful work and this chance.

Fátima_Sol, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil